Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Day 17: Edinburgh

Last day in Edinburgh and busy cramming in a few last minute shopping and sightseeing so will update blog with photos and more details when we get home. Thought I better let everyone know we are still kicking and having such a good time that we are not taking the time to post much.

We have a 4 am pick-up tomorrow morning for the ride to airport and flight home. It has been an incredible journey!!!!

coming out of apartment


Day 16: Edinburgh Royal Military Tattoo

Visited Edinburgh Castle, caught the one o’clock gun and had a leisurely walk down the Royal Mile enjoying the festival atmosphere the is August in Edinburgh then back to the apartment to rest before having a great dinner at Vittoria on the Bridge and making our way back up the hill to the castle esplanade for the Edinburgh Royal Military Tattoo. It was a spectacular performance that we all enjoyed very much.

cab to Edinburgh Castle

Edinburgh Castle entrance

view from castle

Mary Queen of Scots

warming up

beautiful Crown Jewels inside but no photos allowed

Mons Meg

Chapel window at Castle

shell casing from the one o'clock gun

seating for Tattoo which we will be attending later tonight

great street performer on Royal Mile

another street performer

Edinburgh Royal Military Tattoo

massed Tattoo performers at end

Day 15: Glamis Castle

Time to move on to our last destination. Had another of Elizabeth’s great breakfast feasts then drove a short distance to Glamis Castle for a tour of the castle and gardens. This is the Queen Mother’s childhood home and it was beautiful. We toured a lot of the oldest parts of the castle as part of it is still lived in.

We then drove toward Edinburgh and had a look at the famous Forth of Fifth rail bridge before crossing the car bridge on the way to Rossilyn Chapel for a look around.

It was now time to check into our Edinburgh apartment. No parking there, so we had to drop off luggage and Tim and I made a mad dash to the rental car return just outside of town to turn in the van. We were in miserable 5 o’clock traffic and barely made it before they closed…..whew! We took the train back to the apartment and went grocery shopping and had sandwiches for dinner since we had a tiring day today.
drive heading out

first glimpse of Glamis Castle

Queen Mother's doll house

Brave Man!

tree in Glamis Cstle garden

bridfe into Edinburgj

rail bridge

Rosslyn Chael